Tuesday, March 19, 2019

juglans nigra trees in kashmir

Bot. name: juglans nigra
Black walnut logs bring premium prices, and have since the 1700s, with single trees bringing up to $20,000 (INR 1393170.08). Bruce Thompson, author of “Black Walnut For Profit,” estimates a mature stand of black walnut trees can bring about $100,000 (INR 1435.57) per acre in timber value alone.
Black Walnut seeds Kashmir

Black walnut. Walnut trees, like chestnuts, produce a double income, as the nuts can be harvested as the trees are growing to harvestable size for timber. Growers often call black walnut a “legacy tree” because it takes about 30 years to reach it’s prime harvesting size of about 16 inches or so for a veneer log. Along the way, the walnut stand can be thinned to provide income, but the real payoff comes at harvest, as veneer logs bring between $4,000 (INR 278634.02) and $5,000 (INR 348292.52) each. An average stand of black walnut is 250 trees per acre, or $125,000 (INR 8707313.01) at harvest time, quite a legacy for the kids or grandkids!

POB 667 GPO Srinagar SGR JK 190001
Ph: 09858986794/09419966983
Ph: 01933-223705

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