Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Shivlingi Beej,Putrajeevak Beej


Shivlingi Beej

Shivlingi Beej (Seeds) Shivlingi Beej or Shivlingi Seeds are used for the treatment of female infertility. It is a uterine tonic and improves the chances of conception in women suffering from infertility. It is fertility enhancer herb used in ayurveda along with Putrajeevak Beej.

Availability  : Putrajeevak Beej :250 grams/Shivlingi Beej : 250 grams
WhatsApp : 9858986794
Mob: 09858986794
Ph: 01933-223705

Asparagus seeds 100 seeds pkt

Asparagus produces dark green shoots with a purple tinge near the top. Asparagus is harvested in late spring.
It takes three years for asparagus to establish itself. Please don't pick before then! Asparagus takes a while to establish a root system & picking before hand can weaken your plants.
Asparagus is usually lightly steamed, or sautéed with butter, but we love it raw! Eaten raw, the flavour is similar to freshly picked snap peas.
Asparagus seeds,Asparagus officinalis,Mary washington,heirloom asparagus,
Asparagus seeds, asparagus seeds for sale, asparagus seeds online india, asparagus seeds india, asparagus seeds online, asparagus plant, vegetable seeds online

Availability : 100,500,1000 seeds Pkt
WhatsApp : 9858986794
Mob : 09858986794
Ph: 01933-223705

Ginkgo biloba tree seeds

Ginkgo biloba tree in India

Availability of Ginkgo biloba Seed.plants
WhatsApp : 9858986794
Mob: 09858986794
Ph: 01933-223705

Beyond the Heat: The Science Behind the Carolina Reaper

The   Capsicum chinense -   Carolina reaper , one of the world's hottest chili peppers, offers several potential health benefits due to ...